List of provinces
The Adamantia Luxury Pool Villas
Complex in Phuket, Thalang, offer two distinct villa styles, each meticulously crafted to highlight beautiful spaces and designs. These exquisite villas include four luxurious bedrooms nest...
The Adamantia Luxury Pool Villas
Complex in Phuket, Thalang, offer two distinct villa styles, each meticulously crafted to highlight beautiful spaces and designs. These exquisite villas include four luxurious bedrooms nest...
Ocean Palms Villa
Nestled in a private and exclusive community, Complex offers a cluster of 14 luxurious Asian-style villas situated just minutes away from the serene Bangtao beach. These exquisite villas ra...
Ocean Palms Villa
Nestled in a private and exclusive community, Complex offers a cluster of 14 luxurious Asian-style villas situated just minutes away from the serene Bangtao beach. These exquisite villas ra...
Ocean Palms Villa
Nestled in a private and exclusive community, Complex offers a cluster of 14 luxurious Asian-style villas situated just minutes away from the serene Bangtao beach. These exquisite villas ra...
Ocean Palms Villa
Nestled in a private and exclusive community, Complex offers a cluster of 14 luxurious Asian-style villas situated just minutes away from the serene Bangtao beach. These exquisite villas ra...
Serene Raya Villas
Situated in the vibrant area of Phuket, Thalang, these exceptional villas epitomize sophisticated island living, seamlessly blending modern amenities with tropical beauty. This exclusive re...
Serene Raya Villas
Situated in the vibrant area of Phuket, Thalang, these exceptional villas epitomize sophisticated island living, seamlessly blending modern amenities with tropical beauty. This exclusive re...
Nestled in a premium location, these luxurious villas perfectly blend modern technologies with a tropical oasis atmosphere. In every corner of Complex, comfort exudes, where innovative tech...
Nestled in a premium location, these luxurious villas perfectly blend modern technologies with a tropical oasis atmosphere. In every corner of Complex, comfort exudes, where innovative tech...
Prime Pano
Welcome to an exclusive first-class residential club where luxury seamlessly blends with comfort, offering stunning views of mountains and tropical forests. Each of the villas provides a fan...
Prime Pano
Welcome to an exclusive first-class residential club where luxury seamlessly blends with comfort, offering stunning views of mountains and tropical forests. Each of the villas provides a fan...
Highland Park Residences Bangtao Beach
On the stunning paradise island of Phuket, a remarkable project has been developed to offer you a second home. These villas go beyond mere luxury; they provide a sanctuary where you can enj...
Highland Park Residences Bangtao Beach
On the stunning paradise island of Phuket, a remarkable project has been developed to offer you a second home. These villas go beyond mere luxury; they provide a sanctuary where you can enj...
Highland Park Residences Bangtao Beach
On the stunning paradise island of Phuket, a remarkable project has been developed to offer you a second home. These villas go beyond mere luxury; they provide a sanctuary where you can enj...
Highland Park Residences Bangtao Beach
On the stunning paradise island of Phuket, a remarkable project has been developed to offer you a second home. These villas go beyond mere luxury; they provide a sanctuary where you can enj...
Layan Lucky Villas II
Nestled in a secluded and secure tropical enclave, the charming and fully-equipped villas are set in a prestigious area on the island of Phuket. Designed for ultimate privacy and relaxation...
Layan Lucky Villas II
Nestled in a secluded and secure tropical enclave, the charming and fully-equipped villas are set in a prestigious area on the island of Phuket. Designed for ultimate privacy and relaxation...
Layan Lucky Villas II
Nestled in a secluded and secure tropical enclave, the charming and fully-equipped villas are set in a prestigious area on the island of Phuket. Designed for ultimate privacy and relaxation...
Layan Lucky Villas II
Nestled in a secluded and secure tropical enclave, the charming and fully-equipped villas are set in a prestigious area on the island of Phuket. Designed for ultimate privacy and relaxation...
Botanica Forestique
Discover luxurious villas with spacious apartments and private pools soon to be established in the picturesque region of Cherngtalay. This exclusive blend of comfort and elegance is seamle...
Botanica Forestique
Discover luxurious villas with spacious apartments and private pools soon to be established in the picturesque region of Cherngtalay. This exclusive blend of comfort and elegance is seamle...
Botanica Forestique
Discover luxurious villas with spacious apartments and private pools soon to be established in the picturesque region of Cherngtalay. This exclusive blend of comfort and elegance is seamle...
Located in a peaceful natural area in Thalang, surrounded by lush greenery, these villas offer an ideal choice for those seeking a refined lifestyle in serene surroundings. With prices rang...
Located in a peaceful natural area in Thalang, surrounded by lush greenery, these villas offer an ideal choice for those seeking a refined lifestyle in serene surroundings. With prices rang...
Kiara Reserve Residences
Discover an exclusive residential haven located in Thalang, a part of the serene landscape of Phuket. This elite community offers a harmonious blend of outdoor living amidst lush tropical s...
Kiara Reserve Residences
Discover an exclusive residential haven located in Thalang, a part of the serene landscape of Phuket. This elite community offers a harmonious blend of outdoor living amidst lush tropical s...
Kiara Reserve Residences
Discover an exclusive residential haven located in Thalang, a part of the serene landscape of Phuket. This elite community offers a harmonious blend of outdoor living amidst lush tropical s...
Situated in the captivating region of Phuket, Thalang, this extraordinary collection presents an exquisite selection of 5-star resort-style residences. The property features 16 exclusive lu...
Situated in the captivating region of Phuket, Thalang, this extraordinary collection presents an exquisite selection of 5-star resort-style residences. The property features 16 exclusive lu...
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Pateikiame jums namų tipus, su kuriais dirbame šioje svetainėje:
Vilos Ispanijoje siūlo neprilygstamos prabangos ir privatumo patirtį. Šios patalpos pasižymi erdvumu ir išskirtiniu dizainu, todėl jose paprastai yra dideli sodai, privatūs baseinai ir įspūdingi vaizdai. Idealiai tinka ieškantiems išskirtinių namų ramioje aplinkoje, vilos puikiai tinka tiek nuolatiniam gyvenimui, tiek atostogų poilsiui.
Nepriklausomas namelis
Nepriklausomi nameliai Epanjoje išsiskiria izoliuota konstrukcija, suteikiančia daugiau privatumo ir savo erdvės. Paprastai jie yra ramiuose gyvenamuosiuose rajonuose arba miestų pakraščiuose. Juose dažnai yra sodai, terasos ir kartais baseinai, todėl šie namai yra idealus pasirinkimas šeimoms, ieškančioms komforto ir savarankiškumo.
Miesto namai
Sublokuoti namai Ispanijoje yra namai, kurie dalijasi viena ar keliomis sienomis su kitais namais, tačiau kiekvienas turi savo atskirą įėjimą. Jie yra populiarus pasirinkimas miesto ir priemiesčių zonose, siūlantis pusiausvyrą tarp privatumo ir bendruomenės. Miesto namai paprastai yra pigesni nei atskiros vilos ir dažnai yra kompleksų su bendrais patogumais, pavyzdžiui, parkais ir baseinais, dalis.
Nameliai pasižymi vieno aukšto struktūra, suteikiančia prieigą ir komfortą be laiptų. Jie dažnai randami pakrantės ar kaimo vietovėse, todėl yra atsipalaidavusi ir atvira aplinka. Juos ypač mėgsta vyresnio amžiaus žmonės arba šeimos su mažais vaikais.
Kaimiškas turtas
Kaimo nuosavybė – tai turtas, esantis kaime, dažnai su žemės ūkio paskirties žeme arba dideliais žemės sklypais. Šie namai sujungia kaimišką žavesį su gamtos ramybe, idealiai tinka norintiems pabėgti nuo miesto šurmulio ir mėgautis gyvenimu kaime.
Kaimo namai
Šie namai yra būdingi kaimo vietovėms ir paprastai yra tradicinio dizaino. Kaimo namai suprojektuoti taip, kad būtų integruoti į natūralią aplinką, pasižymintys tvirtumu ir šiluma, naudojant tokias medžiagas kaip mediena ir akmuo. Jie puikiai tiks savaitgalio atostogoms arba ieškantiems ramesnio gyvenimo bendraujant su gamta.
Miesto namai
Kaimų širdyje įsikūrę kaimo namai siūlo autentišką bendruomeninio gyvenimo mažuose miesteliuose patirtį. Dažnai šiose patalpose išlieka istorinės architektūros detalės ir kaimiškas žavesys. Jie puikiai tinka tiems, kurie domisi vietos kultūra ir aktyviai dalyvauja bendruomenės veikloje.
Kaimo namas
Ispanijos kaime būdingi kaimo namai, kai kuriuose regionuose dar vadinami „kortijomis“. Šios savybės paprastai yra apsuptos gamtos ir siūlo neprilygstamą ramybę. Jie puikiai tinka kaimo turizmui, poilsiui ar ieškantiems tvaraus gyvenimo būdo, derančio su natūralia aplinka.
Pigiausių namų kainos Ispanijoje prasideda nuo $ 317 998 ir dažniausiai yra kaimo namai arba namai, kuriuos reikia renovuoti. Vidutinė namo kaina – $ 1 313 875, tam įtakos turi žemos kai kurių rajonų, nutolusių nuo provincijos centrų, kainos, nes tai yra pigesni namai, o centrinėse vietovėse – labai brangūs. Brangiausi namai siekia iki $ 4 802 312 ir dažniausiai yra populiariausiuose miestuose Barselonos, Malagos, Balearų salų ir kt. provincijose