The Title Halo is a new project inspired by Thai, Japanese and Bhutanese design. It offers six 7-storey buildings that embody the splendor of design, connection with the vast landscape and surrounded by mountain ranges, perfectly complementing the beautiful and satisfying interior design of the apartments. The outer walls of the building are decorated with natural stones, harmoniously blending with the environment.
The project is located just 5 minutes drive from Phuket International Airport and 400 meters from Naiyang Beach (Siri Nat National Park), the beach is known for the absence of waves throughout the year and its developed infrastructure (spas, cafes on the beach, cozy restaurants, grocery stores, currency exchange offices and much more).
The Title Halo is perfect for a family holiday with children: a quiet, calm area where there are no crowds of tourists and a vibrant nightlife.
The apartments are provided with fine finishing, built-in furniture, plumbing, air conditioning, curtains. -Use of high-quality ceramic tiles
-Excellent ceilings
-Modern system of built-in local lamps
-System for installing an exhaust hood
-Individual air conditioner in each room
Caracteristicile proprietății
Anul de finalizare2024
Data finalizăriiII Trimestru
Starea clădiriiFinisată
Distanța până la cea mai apropiată plajă400
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